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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guardians : Chapter 1

This Blog i'll use it to write my story ^^

i hope you can enjoy it :)

kinda like a trailer. lol~

Chapter 1 : Dream.


The dream. A scythe, 6 bodies all armored, blood everywhere. He stood near the bodies. He killed them. One of them was his own friend, Hikari Kagasi .When he saw the person's face and saw HIMSELF!

Cold sweat broke out on the middle of the night. Shimai looked at his hands. The dream had continued for a few months. The killer. Why? What happened?

After waking up desperate to find an answer. Why did he had a scythe? After a while Shimai would go to bed again.


Artworks rightfully belongs to their own owners :D
Story belongs to Violador :3